NFT Data Monitoring and NFT Recommendation Product Design Doc
1. Overview
This product mainly grabs data on NFT contract creation, NFT minting, and NFT transactions, performs data analytics, and recommends high-value NFTs to users. Business rules include whale wallet address monitoring, monitoring of valuable NFT projects, monitoring of high-value individual NFTs, NFT value analysis, NFT rarity analysis, etc.
2. Architecture Design
Overall architecture:
1. Details of Rule Components
1.1. Whale Wallet Rules
Rule 1: Judge based on total value of holder’s NFTs + tokens (including past holdings). Different threshold values determine if whale.
Rule 2: Monitor addresses of exchanges, institutions, investors, large holders.
Clean data on identified whale addresses and push to data center for middleware.
1.2. Valuable NFT Project Rules
Average NFT price > threshold
Average circulation frequency > threshold
Number of holding addresses > threshold
Monitor minting and transactions of projects meeting rules. Identify new projects. Push data to center.
1.3. Valuable Individual NFT Rules
The number of times an NFT has been traded is greater than a certain value.
The total value of the last N transactions of an NFT is greater than a certain value.
The average price of an NFT’s transactions -> price trend - price curve.
NFT projects that meet both of the above conditions are required to monitor NFT trading activity, and push the data to the data cleaning center for use by the business middleware.
1.4. Data Logic
Mint date
First trade date + price
Last trade date + price
Historical price curve + dates
NFT series info, meaning, brand story
NFT scarcity
Community fans
Turnover frequency
BTC price curve (plotted with NFT curve)
Market NFT volume + dates
Market NFT market cap + dates
3. Business Logic Details
- Rule Configuration
Call rule RPC
hailstone Savour Community-nft[config rules]
See RPC API for details.
- Data Cleansing
Ingest cleansed data Get cleansing rules
store into a database ----------> Savour Community-nft[data center] <-------------- Savour Community-nft[config rules]
- Data Ingestion Services
Whale addresses, NFT data etc.
Data aggregation sites-------------------------> Ingestion service
Transaction data, contract creation, NFT transfers, holders etc.
Blockchain ----------------------------------------------------> Monitoring service
- Pushing Clean Data
Call rule RPC
hailstone Savour Community-nft【configured rules】
Return clean data
See RPC API for details.
Appendix 1 - Websites to Crawl
Whale address site 1:
Appendix 2
Wallet analytics reference:
Whale identification reference:
More data sources: